I graduated from Design Management Option, Department of Industrial Design, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, Izmir University of Economics in 2010. Thanks to the design management option available only at my university in our country, learning not only the creativity side of the design but also the business world side of it made me very competitive in the labor market. So much so that I can think as a business administrator, a marketer and a public relations specialist and communicate with them in a technical sense, thanks to the interdisciplinary lessons we have studied and friends from different departments I met in these courses.
Barlas Ronay
2014 - Financial Economics Master’s Program Graduate
Upon completing elementary and middle school in Switzerland, I continued my high school and university education in Izmir, and I graduated from Department of Economics (English program), Ege University in 2010. Since I was raised with two cultures, I enrolled in Izmir University of Economics in 2012, which I thought was suitable for my world view and would be able to contribute to my career plans, would benefit me not only in Turkey but also in the international arena.
Emre Ercan
2013 - Retail Management Graduate
Nazlıgül Candaş
2012 - International Relations and European Union Graduate
I enrolled in Department of International Relations and European Union, Izmir University of Economics in 2007. I graduated in the honors list in 2012. Until my graduation, I performed internship at "Make a Wish" association, a social awareness project carried out by Arkas, Provincial Directorate of Environment and Forestry and Sabancı University.