2019-2020 Akademik Yılı 3 Kuşak Usta-Çırak Projesi Videolarımız
Üç Kuşak Usta Çırak Projesi – Bilgisayar Mühendisliği ve İşletme Disiplinleriyle Kariyer
Üç Kuşak Usta Çırak Projesi – Psikoloji Kariyerinde Gelişim Alanı
Üç Kuşak Usta Çırak Projesi – Psikoloji Alanında Kariyer Yolculuğu
Üç Kuşak Usta Çırak Projesi – İngilizce Mütercim ve Tercümanlık Eğitiminin Kariyer Fırsatları
Üç Kuşak Usta Çırak Projesi – Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Kariyerinde Ekonomi
Üç Kuşak Usta Çırak Projesi – Bilgisayar Mühendisliğinde Yurtdışı Kariyer Fırsatları
Üç Kuşak Usta Çırak Projesi – Mimarlıkta Kariyer Fırsatları ve Akademisyenlik
Üç Kuşak Usta Çırak Projesi – Yazılım Mühendisliğinde Oyun ve Endüstri Sistemleri
Üç Kuşak Usta Çırak Projesi – Mimarlıkta Akademik Kariyer ve Yurtdışı Fırsatları
Üç Kuşak Usta Çırak Projesi – Hukuk Kariyerinde Özel Sektör Fırsatları ve Akademisyenlik
Üç Kuşak Usta Çırak Projesi – Endüstriyel Tasarımda Uluslararası Yarışmalar ve Fırsatla
Üç Kuşak Usta Çırak Projesi – İçmimarlık ve Çevre Tasarımı Üzerine Kariyer Basamakları
Üç Kuşak Usta Çırak Projesi – Yazılım Mühendisliğinde Yurtdışı Kariyer ve Girişimcilik
For Alumnis
Burak Eray Aykaç
2014 - Public Relations and Advertising Graduate
Berkcan Göktan
2018 - Computeer Engineering Graduate
Combining my close interest in technology and its derivatives since my childhood and the international profile curriculum of Izmir University of Economics, I saw the Computer Engineering department as the perfect fit for me and I graduated in 2018. Within the month of my graduation, I came to Istanbul and participated in a consultancy program organized by the global-scale SAP company and finished the program with the first place.
Džefris Dizdarević
2019 - Computer Engineering Graduate
Upon completing my primary and secondary education in Montenegro with the highest honors, both due to my sport achievements and active contributions to the society through work with the local NGOs and United Nations in Montenegro, I have received scholarships from multiple universities around the world. After a lot of thinking, my decision was to accept the Izmir University of Economics’ international scholarship and enroll into the department of Computer Engineering in 2014. Little did I know that this would be one of the best decisions of my life. During my time in Turkey, inside and outside of the IUE campus, I had the chance to meet people from all around the world, make life-lasting friendships, and grow both personally and professionally.
Ezgi Çakmak Kesimli
2005 - Business Administration Graduate
I am one of the first students and one of the first graduates also. It wasn’t an easy decision; I had to take a risk. But I realized it was the best decision after I graduated. I can see it clearly now after the best quality education I received. I was able to find employment at companies I liked and put everything I learned into practice.
Turuhan Alkır
2017 - International Relations and European Union Graduate
I have squeezed 2 diplomas, 4 internships, 9 short films, 14 theater plays and hundreds of good memories into my Izmir University of Economics adventure that started in 2012. I graduated from the Department of International Relations and EU with a full scholarship in 2017, and from the Department of Media and Communication (my double major program) in 2018 as a high honor student.