I got enrolled in Izmir University of Economics, Department of Media and Communication in 2007 with a full scholarship. I graduated in 2012. I performed internship in institutions such as Doğuş Media Group (NTV), İhlas Media Group (TGRT), Doğan Media Group (Posta Newspaper) until I graduated.
Efe Batıkan Tamcı
2008 - Software Engineering Graduate
Graduating from Izmir University of Economics, Department of Software Engineering in 2008 was a new beginning of my learning journey. The solid foundation and innovative approach provided by my University gave me the vision I needed to move to broader horizons. Then, I completed my Master's degree in Marketing and Logistics Management at Galatasaray University in 2013.
Erdem Kalaycı
2012 - Software Engineering Graduate
This profession group is unlike any other profession group. Once you love it, once you have a taste of problem solving, you can always ask for more. These are my current thoughts, of course. It is a very classic story about this profession, in daily life you are often asked "this computer needs formatting, can you help?". Everything started this way for me as well. I spent all my summer holidays before university working at my cousins' computer shop. I had one goal, majoring about the computer!
Hazar Çetin
2010 - Visual Communication Design Graduate
Observing that the sector does not provide me with the personal development and conditions I want in Istanbul after I graduated, I decided to progress in a different sector that produces digital displays – project designing and content production. I had the opportunity to work closely with media purchasing and internal communication departments of different corporate companies in the Digital Signage sector, which allows me to improve myself on display technologies.